Risk Assessment

To make sure that no one is hurt during the filming of my opening sequence I have produced a risk assessment to try and foresee any dangers we might face. Despite the fact that there is very little danger predicted in my opening sequence it is still a good idea to look at things from all the angles, the last thing I want is to responsible for someone getting hurt.


Travel: The main danger that I can forsee is the travelling to and fro from shooting locations because most of my cast are having to walk or bike. Me and my brother (Mark) are having to bike all around thetford to get to the various pub so there is a slight danger. We will take all of the necessary precautions we normally do when cycling on busy roads, possibly in the dark – high-vis jacket, helmet, lights on bike, and good road sense. If anything were to happen we always have our phones with us.


Location: Pubs/restaurants: Pubs can get very rowdy late in the evenings and it is sometimes dangerous for younger people (like myself) to be in that sort of environment therefore most of our filming at pubs will take place just after lunch so that we avoid the busiest times. We will only be at each location for a short amount of time so there really isn’t much risk.


Park: If you take out the ‘stranger danger’ aspect there’s no risk of filming at the park. I’ll be filming with my brother (who plays Mark), my friend (to hold my equipment), and the actress so we are a large group. From looking at the forecast for the next week a risk will be the weather however there is no risk of flooding in the area and for the most part we will be inside – away from the wind. The main risk is to my camera and tripod so I intend to bring some umbrellas and attempt to protect it from the wind and rain.

At each location I will always have my phone so if anything were to happen, I can always call someone for help.

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