Editing Session Two

Picture 8 I got quite a lot done today and am happy with my progress. Overall I think editing is going well and I’m pretty sure that I will easily be able to make the deadline on 6th February; if I get worried about finishing I will start to come in more outside of lesson times. Picture 3 The only thing that slowed me down was rendering times which is an inescapable factor of using final cut. Luckily I was able to edit most of todays shots without rendering so that it was slightly quicker.

Picture 7 Picture 5 Picture 6

When I was filming shot 8 (Mark spraying perfume on his neck – right) I really wasn’t able to get what I wanted from it so I filmed a few alternatives. The plan was to look at all of them in the sequence and see which I preferred. I think the funniest is Mark trying on his bow tie and then throwing it away (middle) so that’s the one I went for. I think that my sequence does need a little more humor to maintain the comedy aspect of my genre. Picture 3 I changed the speed of a few shots ever so slightly so that they don’t drag on too long – my actor for Mark moved a little slowly at times which means that I might end up going over the time limit. I sped up shot 7 and the new shot 8 by about 10% each, so really not much – just enough to make the shot fit into my time limit, but so fast that you can tell I’ve sped it up.

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