First Edit – Planning Audience Feedback

I asked a few members of my audience to watch my opening sequence and then answer 7 questions concerning improvements I could make for the final edit.

Question 1: What is your favourite and least favourite part of my sequence; why?

I asked this question to get them thinking about what they’ve just watched so basically as a warm up question as people can get a bit apprehensive if you open up with a difficult question. Also, if a lot of them say the same thing as their least favorite part there is obviously something I need to improve.

Question 2: I am over the time limit for this project, what do you think I should cut out/ down and why?

As I said I am quite considerably over the time limit so I need to cut down some things. If my audience is able to help me choose what it is I should cut this will be a weight off my mind as I don’t want to cut something that my audience actually really like. I assume they will suggest things that I am already planning on cutting but I will make sure to follow their advice.

Question 3: How well do you think my sequence conforms to an indie romantic comedy; can I make the genre more obvious?

Part of this project is adhering to genre conventions, something I think that I have done fairly well. however I want to know if the genre is obvious to non-media students and all importantly to my audience. Basically what I want to know here is is it funny enough? As ever any suggestions my audience have will be valued.

Question 4: I have made a date counter on the screen to help show that the sequence is not in chronological order, how can I improve it?

Since I made the date counter I have been a little worried about it; I’m not sure if it looks professional enough but the opinion that really matters is my audience. I think that the counter does need improvements but I’m not sure what to do so I hope my audience will make some suggestions that I can act on.

Question 5: I used two types of titles, do you think this effects the flow of the sequence; how can I improve? (Prompt: Are they on the screen long enough so you can read them? Are they all of the same professional standard – including my film title 35 dates.)

Throughout the process I’ve received some varied feedback from my tutors about my titles, I want to make sure that my audience’s opinion is the same as I think it is – that they like both types of titles. I’m also planning on changing how my title looks so if my audience have any ideas that would be great.

Question 6: How well does the soundtrack fit with the video? (Prompt: Is the dialogue loud enough? do you like the music for a romantic comedy?)

I have the option of using another recording of the dialogue to possibly improve the sound quality but I want to see if my audience think that is necessary. I also want to see if there are any continuity errors that I have missed.

Question 7: Any other comments you want to make? Any errors that you’ve seen that I haven’t asked about in the sequence? (Prompt: Editing/continuity/sound blips/ etc.)

This is the section for my audience to inform me of any other types of errors, like continuity errors, that I’ve made and I just haven’t seen. There might be something they’ve been wanting to say about it but I hadn’t asked the right questions.

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